Do I have to have a website or social media?


Do I have to be based in Pittsburgh?

No. However, it is important to note that this market is not comparable to our holiday event. This event has space for 30 makers and was attended by about  2,000 people in 2022.

Who decides if I get in? 

The Handmade Arcade Spring Market is a juried, curated marketplace. Every application is reviewed and voted on by the Handmade Arcade Advisory Committee, which is made up of members from Pittsburgh's arts, craft, cultural, and small business communities.

How do you decide who gets in? What are the criteria?

Every part of your application is essential. The jury reviews your images, products and process description, merchandise prices, website (not required), and social media accounts (if applicable). 

New and Emerging Makers: The purpose of the Spring Market is to provide a platform for new and emerging makers. Makers who have participated in any past Handmade Arcade market do not qualify for this event.

Applicants are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Craftsmanship and creativity
  • Skill and technique
  • Traditional handicrafts combined with innovative thinking
  • Durability and functionality
  • Mindfulness and unique qualities (locally sourced, recycling, upcycling, etc.)
  • Crisp and clear photographs
  • Range of price points 
  • We recommend that you include high-quality product pictures. If you provide links to your website and/or social media accounts, they should show a representative selection of your merchandise.

What You’ll get if you are accepted:

  • 6-foot-by-2.5-foot table and chair 
    • Please note: Because of the limitations of the Construction Junction warehouse, that tables are smaller than in the past. And we cannot guarantee that each vendor booth will be a certain size. 
  • Featured on Handmade Arcade's website and virtual catalog, Spring Market press release, and social media posts.
  • Two workshops with Handmade Arcade’s executive director and its team of experts that include the following topics
    • Workshop 1: Selling In Person, Pricing your work, Display and Setup, Payment options
    • Workshop 2: Setting up your virtual page

If I am not accepted, will I be told?

Yes. All applicants will receive an email from info@handmadearcade.org on March 25. Please note: Handmade Arcade sends letters to all applicants through MailChimp. You will be notified if you have been accepted, waitlisted, or not accepted. Sometimes this email ends up in SPAM. Make sure you check for an email from info@handmadearcade.org in all your folders on or after March 10. IIf you have previously unsubscribed from the Handmade Arcade email list, we will not be able to contact you. You can add your email to the list online here.

Unsure if this show is right for you? Drop us a line at info@handmadearcade.org